Sunday, July 29, 2018

Times of Healing and Spiritual Renewal

Times of Healing and Spiritual Renewal

Loving Father, I know that You often halt us in our tracks and remove us from the business of life, through an illness or a time of ill-health - so that we are forced take our eyes off the hurly-burly of life, and lie on an enforced bed of sickness - in order to rediscover what are our true priorities are in life.

Father, I know that I have not spent quality time with You, as I have allowed the daily duties of life and less-important issues to crowd out my special time alone in Your presence.

Forgive me I pray. I want to use this time of ill-health as an opportunity to get closer to You. Lead me and guide me in this time of illness - and may it become a time of spiritual as well as a period of physical rest.

Heal me Father I pray, not only in my body but also in my relationship with You,

Thank you,


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Prayer for Personal Healing

Prayer for Personal Healing

Dear God, I know that my times are in Your hands and I also believe that You care about everything in my life – and are not surprised by anything that happens to any of Your children. I believe that You make all things work together, for the good of us that love You – and I believe that You care for each one of us with a prefect and holy love.

I come to You today because my health has been deteriorating with some ailment that has not been diagnosed -I am not sure what to do, but I know that You understand everything about me. I believe that You know exactly what I need to bring me back to full health and strength and I am trusting You in this time of illness in my life.

Please God, I ask for Your healing touch on my life – and pray that You would bring to my attention the treatment that is best suited for my condition. Please direct me in the way that I should go at this difficult time in my life, Thank You dear God,


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Prayer For Healing And Wholeness

Prayer For Healing And Wholeness

Dear Lord, I know that You are a God Who heals all manner of sickness and illness through the power of Your Holy Spirit. I ask that by His power You would send healing and wholeness to all who are afflicted at this time with illnesses and diseases.

Send comfort and strength at this time of difficulty – in Jesus’ precious name,


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Healing for a Friend in Pain

Healing for a Friend in Pain

Look down with compassion on our friend, who has been confined to a bed of sickness and is in such great physical pain. Send comfort and healing I pray and in Your gracious kindness please strengthen and heal, whatever the problem is, that has caused this illness in their body.

In Jesus name I pray,


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